Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Holidays can create wonderful memories and we set out to do all we can to ensure that this is the case. But, on occasion, despite the best planning, unexpected events or accidents occur. Leaving you with cancelled plans and significant un-budgeted and out of pocket expenses. Travel insurance can help lessen the financial risks and protect yourself, your belongings and your travel investment against unwelcome surprises.


When booking with Tailor-Made Journeys (trading as Antarctica, Arctic, Galapagos Cruise, South America Travel Centre and Luxury & Expedition Cruises) it is a condition of booking with Us and also a condition of booking with any supplier of services we book for you that you take out comprehensive travel insurance to cover the full cost of any goods and/or services you will be provided (including cancellation coverage and medical evacuation coverage) for the full duration of your holiday. We suggest that you take out insurance at the time of booking with Us and paying any deposit(s) but in any event no later than the date the final balance of funds is paid to Us.


Insurance cover should include, but not be limited to:
Injury; death; theft; loss of luggage and personal items; curtailment of tours en route; medical expenses (including Overseas Medical Assistance and Evacuation); cancellation of advance purchase airfares; additional expenses to cover hotel accommodation and repatriation costs to Australia should your tour need to be extended or curtailed due to illness while overseas, or due to a need to return because of an unexpected death or illness of a close relative. Insolvency of Travel Services Provider (any scheduled service airline, hotel and resort operator, accommodation provider, motor vehicle rental or hire agency, bus line, shipping line or railway company).


If you have an existing annual insurance policy or intend using credit card insurance we suggest you review the Product Disclosure Statement that sets out what level of cover you have to ensure it is appropriate for your trip. In any case, if you are not covered by a travel insurance policy, the responsibility remains with you and Tailor-Made Journeys specifically declines any responsibility whatsoever. We are happy to assist with any inquiries you might have.